Approximately 20 kilometers from the Brisbane CBD, the Lota Childcare proposes to offer 93 long-stay childcare spaces. 


The site has secured a 15-year lease, and is within a 3 kilometer radius of 10 primary schools. 

Located 37 kilometers east of Melbourne’s CBD, the site comprises of 2 lots. Upon completion, the site will offer a double-storey childcare, with 108 long-stay day care places. 

The site currently has already secured a 15-year lease. 

The property is situated in the mixed-use, fringe CBD suburb of Milton, approximately 2.5km southwest of the Brisbane City Centre. The current tenant, Edge Early Learning is a well-known childcare operator with 19 centres across South-East QLD, currently offering 120 placements, with a 22-year lease term.

Harmony Childcare Centre is a 98-place childcare facility at Epiq, Lennox Head. The centre opened in early 2020. The property is under a 15-year lease to Harmony Childcare.

The Property received development approval to demolish the existing dwellings and construct a two-story childcare centre for 125 long day care places.

The centre is due to be completed in May 2023 and will be leased to Little Locals Early Learning Group on a 15-year term.

Delahey is located 20km north west of Melbourne’s CBD. Delahey Childcare’s double storey building will host up to 100 children across its six activity rooms and spacious outdoor play areas. With 11 local schools in a 3 km radius, it is anticipated Delahey Childcare will meet the growing demand for long stay day-care options. 

Approximately 22km south-east of the Brisbane CBD, this childcare centre is based in the leafy suburb of Rochedale South. Rochedale South Childcare will be a modern, two-level childcare centre, with five activity rooms for 86 children.

The centre has already secured a long term tenant, G8 Education. Anticipated completion date is June 2023.

Clarence Property

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